Mesotherapy is a very popular and effective non-surgical technique with an extensive range of applications, from anti-aging to the treatment of localized fat and hair loss.
While externally applied products only manage to partially penetrate the top layers of the skin, mesotherapy uses multiple tiny injections with a fine needle to deliver the products directly underneath the epidermis and into the desired depth. As a result the active ingredients reach the target areas allowing them to produce impressive results.
Different cocktails are used to treat different conditions which include face, hand and neck rejuvenation, saggy skin, fine lines and wrinkles, hair loss, localised fat, cellulite, stretch marks and to promote weight loss.
Most conditions can be treated with a course of six to eight sessions, one to four weeks apart.
Mesotherapy does not require general anaesthesia or hospitalization, it has no downtime and is suitable for men and women of all ages.