The muscle contracts 30000 times withhigh frequency and intensity, so asto train and increase muscledensity and volume
Body Shaping
The ultimate contraction of muscle needsa large amount of energy supply, so thefat cells beside the muscle are alsoconsumed,leading to naturalapoptosis and effectivereduction of fatthickness
2.Treatment Theory:
Using HIEMS(High Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation) technology to continuously expand
and contract autologous muscles and carry out extreme training to deeply reshape the internal structure
of the muscle, that is , the growth of muscle fibrils(muscle enlargement) and produce new protein chains
and muscle fibers(muscle hyperplasia),so as to train and increase muscle density and volume.
The 100% extreme muscle contraction of HI-EMT technology can trigger a large amount of fat
decomposition, fatty acids are broken down from triglycerides and accumulated in fat cells.The
concerntrations of fatty acids are too high, causing the fat cells to apoptosis, which is extreted by
the body's normal metabolism within a few weeks.Therefore slim beauty machine can strengthen
and increase muscle, and reduce fat at the same time
3. Parameters:
Product Name
Four Handles EMSculpting HIFEM RF Body Shaping Muscle Building Weight Loss Slimming Beauty Equipment
Magnetic output intensity
7 Tesla
Pulse duration
Contraction (30 min)
more than 36,000 times
Machine handle
4 handles
Cooling System
Working Mode
5 different working mode HIIT, Hypertrophy, Strength,Combo 1, Combo2